18 Amazing facts about Space
|Sometimes Pluto is closer to Earth than Neptune. Tweet This
Should it have no nucleus, the Earth would be subjected to deadly space rays and life would be impossible. Tweet This
Any spaceship penetrating our atmosphere at angle bigger than 5.8 degrees, would most probably burn. Tweet This
Worldwide, less than 50 people actively look for asteroids. Tweet This
Asteroid oddly means in Greek “similar to a star”. Tweet This
Astronomers don’t use the term “light year”. Tweet This
We have more detailed maps of the Moon and Mars compared to the bottom of the oceans. Tweet This
The astronomer William Henry Pickering thought that black spots on the Moon were migrating insects. Tweet This
Frontiers of the Solar System are not anywhere near the most distant planets. Going to the dwarf planet Pluto covers roughly 1/1,000th of the distance. Tweet This
There is liquid water on Mars. Tweet This
In space, astronauts cannot cry, as the tears need gravity to flow. Tweet This
The crash of the inter-planetary probe Mariner 1 cost 80 million dollars. It was due to a forgotten overbar (a horizontal line written above a mathematical symbol) over the letter R in one of the formulas that went unnoticed and screwed the orbit calculations. Tweet This
Theoretically, to circumnavigate the largest known star in a jet travelling at 900 km/h (560 mph), you will need more than 1,000 years. Tweet This
Up to 50% of the water on Earth was brought by comets. Tweet This
After the Fukushima earthquake, Japan moved aside 2.5 meters (8 ft.) and the Earth tilted by 18 cm (7 inches). Tweet This
Astronauts use diapers during take-off and landing and while on space walks. Tweet This
Astronauts lose their sense of smell in space. Tweet This
There are ice volcanoes on Triton (Neptune’s largest moon). Tweet This