19 Facts about the human veins
|Jobs that require long periods of standing increase your risk of getting varicose veins. Tweet This
During pregnancy, the amount of blood increases to support the developing baby. Additionally, increased hormone levels cause the muscular walls of the blood vessels to relax. Tweet This
Most pregnant women’s varicose veins significantly improve after the baby is born. Tweet This
A vascular specialist is to be consulted when veins are causing pain, swelling, discomfort, heaviness or itching. Tweet This
Vascular specialist is a medicine doctor who examines the blood system. Tweet This
Changes in the colour of the skin on your leg, leg ulcers below the knee or eczemas may be caused by problems with the blood flow in the leg. Tweet This
A duplex ultrasound scan can show the blood flow and help the vascular specialist locate any damaged valve. Tweet This
As prevention, keep weight under control, exercise, eat a diet high in fibre and low in salt, and wear loose comfortable clothing when possible. Tweet This
Foods with much sugar or vitamin C can make varicose veins worse. Tweet This
If you are genetically predisposed to develop varicose veins, they may appear no matter what preventive measures you take. Tweet This
TED (thromboembolism-deterrent) stockings are great nonsurgical treatment of varicose veins, preventing skin breakdown and worsening. However, compression stockings won’t make them disappear. Tweet This
Don’t stand or sit for long periods without taking a break. When seated, avoid crossing your legs. Tweet This
Keep your legs raised (if possible, above the level of your heart) when sitting, resting, or sleeping. Tweet This
Physical activities get your legs moving and improve muscle tone. This facilitates blood passage through your veins. Tweet This
Tight clothes around waist, groin, or legs can make varicose veins worse. Tweet This
Wearing high heels for long periods can provoke or worsen varicose veins. Tweet This
Spider veins do not pose a medical risk, but can be removed with minimally invasive procedures for cosmetic reasons. Tweet This
Sun exposure on the cheeks or nose can cause spider veins if you are fair-skinned. Tweet This
Varicose veins can lead to: hard to heal skin ulcers; external bleeding; superficial thrombophlebitis or deep vein thrombosis, which are both in essence a blood clot (which in turn can be fatal if travels to the lungs). Tweet This