20 Debunked Facts
|The elephant is the only animal with four knees. (false – technically, it has two knees) Tweet This
The moon is not the only natural satellite of Earth. (false – no other object has stayed in orbit long enough to be considered a satellite) Tweet This
Kangaroos never fart. (false) Tweet This
So far, nobody has succeeded in eating a spoonful of ground cinnamon for less than a minute without drinking any water. (false – but don’t try it) Tweet This
Polar bears are left-handed. (not proven) Tweet This
Only a few rivers in the world flow north. (inaccurate – plenty of rivers do) Tweet This
Sex toys are prohibited in India. (false) Tweet This
Crime in New York City dropped significantly as a result of measures such as fixing broken windows, painting over graffiti and arresting free riders in the metro. (not proven – many instead attribute it to the birth-control pill, introduced exactly 18 years prior to the observed drop in crime. It apparently removed many ‘unwanted’ children from the streets, who normally would have joined gangs.) Tweet This
The last new antibiotic was invented in the 1970s. Anything marketed since then is just an upgraded or fine-tuned version of existing antibiotics. (false) Tweet This
Nobody has ever seen a giant sepia alive. (false) Tweet This
Glass is a liquid and ‘flows’ incredibly slowly. The windows of really old buildings are thinner at the top as the glass ‘flows’ down due to gravity. (false) Tweet This
So far, nobody has witnessed a blue whale giving birth. (false) Tweet This
$1 000 000 banknotes exist. (false) Tweet This
When the moon gets bigger, plants grow faster. (not proven) Tweet This
Werdenberg, Switzerland is the smallest town in Europe. It has 70 residents. (false – Hum, Croatia had a population of 21 in 2011 and is listed as the world’s smallest town) Tweet This
In some salmon farms, a small shark is let in intentionally in order to keep the fish alert. This is believed to improve the salmon’s taste. (not proven) Tweet This
In some countries, an unmarried man can’t own female goats. (not proven) Tweet This
Except for the jelly fish, all animal bodies today have three tissue layers. (false – thousands of species have two layers) Tweet This
Leonardo da Vinci invented scissors. (false)Tweet This
There are no herbivores amongst the 10 most intelligent animal species. (wrong – elephant) Tweet This