21 Fun facts about babies
|Babies are able to crawl from Day One. Tweet This
Newborns can’t shed a tear until they are two months old. Tweet This
Babies have 40% more bones than adults. Tweet This
Babies breathe up to three times faster than us. Tweet This
Most babies are born blue-eyed. Tweet This
One in every three babies has a birthmark, more often girls than boys. Tweet This
Newborns are nearsighted and see only within the range 20-30 cm (8 to 12 in.). Tweet This
Babies double weight in five months and triple their birthweight by age of 13 months. Tweet This
Almost five babies are born each second. Tweet This
Babies in fact do have kneecaps. They are made of cartilage and therefore invisible for X-ray. Tweet This
Babies can breathe and swallow simultaneously until about 7 months. Tweet This
Babies are born with great swimming abilities. Tweet This
Within first four months, most newborns will lose the hair they were born with. Tweet This
Baby brain contains about 100 billion neurones – all it will ever have. Tweet This
A baby’s heart beats 175 times per minute at birth. Tweet This
Mouth is baby’s first body part to become sensitive. Tweet This
Babies recognise their mothers by scent alone, smell being their strongest sense. Tweet This
Babies love high-pitched singing. Tweet This
New parents in the U.S. would spend $12,000 in a baby’s first year. Tweet This
A newborn takes one night of sleep weekly from each of the parents. Tweet This
One in 8 babies is born prematurely. Tweet This