25 Weird animal facts about pigs
|Out of 2 billion pigs in the world, only one is in Afghanistan. Tweet This
Until the very end of 20th century they would feed pigs with cannabis in Bhutan. Tweet This
Pigs have 44 teeth. Tweet This
Pig skin is great for practicing tattoos, being similar to human skin. Tweet This
Pigs have 4 toes on each hoof, but use only half of them to walk. Tweet This
Pig is part of the Chinese zodiac, believed to bring fortune and happiness. Tweet This
Not all pigs have curly tails. Tweet This
Pigs like being clean, never establishing toilet area close to where they lie and eat. Tweet This
Pigs have a remarkable sense of smell and are used to locate truffles. Tweet This
There are many documented stories of pigs that saved human lives. Tweet This
Words pig, hog and swine are used regardless of gender. Tweet This
Piglets respond to their names at age of 20 days. Tweet This
Pigs were successfully used against Hannibal’s war elephants. A pig shrieking can freak out any elephant. Tweet This
Pigs are not too much different from us genetically. Thus transplantation of pig heart valves is possible. Tweet This
Words sucker, weaner, baconer, porker, chopper, sow, boar, piglet and stag all refer to pigs. Tweet This
Sow’s pregnancy lasts 114 days and it can give birth to between 7 and 12 piglets, two times per year. Tweet This
Pigs are quite intelligent and learn tricks faster than dogs. Tweet This
Pigs have a vast field of vision, but can’t look up. Tweet This
Pigs’ intelligence is inferior only to some apes, dolphins and elephants. Tweet This
Pigs communicate with each other grunting. Tweet This
There is a word to designate a litter of piglets – a farrow. Tweet This
A piglet weighs about 3 pounds (1.5 kg) at birth and two times more a week later. Tweet This
Pigs have no sweat glands and roll around in the mud to lower their body temperature. Tweet This
Pigs swim just fine and would eagerly prefer water to mud. Tweet This
Pigs run at speed 11.5 mph (almost 20 km/h). Tweet This