|Intelligence Quotient is tested by your efficiency on an intelligence test (IQ test). You can boost it up by training and exercising. Do not sell yourself short: prepare for an IQ test or cognitive ability test in advance. Just because of extensive training and preparation, others with even lower intelligence can score higher than you.
Practice makes a man perfect. Practicing IQ tests is chiefly connected to repeated trials. Find out the areas that are harder for you in a test, exercise these questions more and more. Remember not to just rote the answers but rather understand the rational explanation behind them. Intelligence is never only about heavy reading; it is about the understanding of the questions so that in future you know the authentic reasons that lead to such answers.
For adults, IQ remains more or less constant throughout your life. It does not mean however that you cannot become smarter than you already are. IQ does not cover all the aspects of your cognitive abilities. If you make use of the tips provided here, you will surely sharpen your mind, freshen your memory and strengthen your attention.
If you want your brain to have a full body workout, learn to play music through any instrument available. FMRI scans prove that learning to play music lights your entire brain on intellectual fire and has a long-lasting impact on intelligence, improving math and spatial reasoning skills. It is for this reason that the rich make sure that their kids do learn to play an instrument whether they are interested or not. Take out 30 minutes a week and release your inner rock star to come out!
Food that powers your brain includes many herbs and trees. One of them is the gingko biloba tree. It increases the blood flow to the brain, thus increasing memory power and concentration. Its leaves can be used either in tea or can be taken in the form of capsules. It has a long-lasting effect if regularly used.
Another substance to boost your IQ is caffeine. Studies show that test performance is enhanced after consuming caffeine in one form or another. But don’t forget its adverse effects when used for longer.
Sugar is a hindrance in the increase of your score. So give it up as much as possible. If taken beyond the limit, any carbohydrate can dim your thinking ability. If you are suffering from diabetes, the injected insulin also hinders your ability to think. Try to avoid carbohydrates in any form, like white flour, sugar or potatoes if you want your IQ to enhance.
Alternatively, you can starve your brain. The topic may seem unreasonable but let me clear this to you. In the long run, giving your brain a period of time without food is beneficial. It will make your mind stay sharp and healthy. According to numerous studies, intermittent fasting, starving for around 16 hours and then having a regular meal at the end makes your brain more active and resilient to damage. Furthermore, it is thought to increase the number of new neurons. To boost your brain power, you can try skipping your meals for a maximum of 16 hours and stay sharp. But remember: do not starve for much longer periods!
The position you attain while thinking or solving a problem assuredly influences your intelligence level. Feel the difference when solving a math problem drooping and dozing on your couch and doing the same while sitting upright. Sitting straight is a better option as your thinking improves, enhancing your intelligence.
Exercise is necessary for IQ but not a frantic regime. You need physical activity to pump more blood to your brain. Walking is good but a better substitute to raise your IQ is aerobics.
A proper duration of sleep is very important for appropriate brain functioning. Sleep quality, apart from its duration, does matter for intelligence.
A very easy tip to increase your IQ is to breathe deeply through your nose. This will aid relaxation and also help in keeping you calm and composed. Oxygen is infused into your blood and brain by deep breathing, enhancing its functioning. When the brain is relaxed, its efficiency increases many times. In labored breathing use of diaphragm is enhanced, so the lungs draw more air. This is the easiest and shortest way to raise your intelligence level quickly.
Other than that, meditation is also a significant method for relaxation. Sit in a posture you are comfortable in and meditate on your breathing. Breath through your nose initially with your eyes closed. This will definitely soothe and calm you down. Avoid the thoughts hindering your concentration and keep your focus on breathing. Keep this posture for a few minutes.
Mindfulness techniques such as meditation are considered a brain exercise as they include training intellect to be more silent and calm. Traditional exercises are marked with activating the brain to process information; meditation makes your mind more observant. Some studies show that meditation help preventing age-related cognitive decline. Another study published in Consciousness and Cognition claimed that meditation improved visuospatial processing, working memory, and executive functioning.